Can You Help CCL by 11:59 p.m. New Year's Eve?
Keep us promoting an orthodox, uncompromising, reasoned biblical faith and Christian culture for another 23 years.
Dear friends and supporters:
CCL is entering its 24th year. It’s hard to believe. By God’s grace, we just keep growing. In a time of pious retreatism, we cultivate a full-orbed Christian culture. In a time of celebrity ministry, we highlight God’s glory and not man’s popularity. In a time of heterodoxy and revisionism, we stand for historic, biblical Christianity. In a time of cultural Leftism, we champion the unchanging standard of God’s moral law. In a time of blood-and-soil Rightism, we promote liberty — individual, religious, political, and economic. In a time of hot-take hysterics, we model calm, thoughtful, reasoned discourse.
We’ve been doing this for 23 years, and by God’s grace, we plan to do it for another 23 — and beyond.
Most Christian ministries receive the majority of their annual income at the end of year. This is true of CCL. Can you send a 2023 tax-deductible donation to the Center for Cultural Leadership? Further, if you don’t support CCL, why not include us in your monthly giving? If you’re “old school,” you can have a check sent from your bank account every month to:
PO Box 100
Coulterville, CA 95311
Or you can easily donate at PayPal, Venmo, or sign up at the “support” tab our website. God uses your prayer and money to keep us forging ahead.
May each of you have a joyous New Year.
Yours for the King,
Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership