Crucial to understanding what law is no longer in effect and what law is in effect under the New Covenant is correctly identifying the added law of Galatians 3:17 & 19 - that is, the Mosaic *Covenant* and all laws unique to that Covenant.

Thus, the law that existed prior to Mt. Sinai is one and the same as the law still in effect under the New Covenant.

Because Yahweh's morality doesn't change, neither does His triune and integral moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and civil judgments) reflecting His morality. It's this law that has always been in existence and will always be in existence.

In other words, the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments did *not* come into existence at Mt. Sinai and thus were not eliminated under the New Covenant. There is a plethora of scriptural evidence revealing the Bible's triune law's prior existence to Mt. Sinai's added *Covenant.* For example:

"Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws." (Genesis 26:5)

For more, see free online book "Law & Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/law-kingdomFrame.html

See also Parts 12 & 13 of my expository series on Galatians at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/tapelist.html#T1238

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It is sad that you do not understand the word "gentile". It simply means "nations". Paul was preaching to the cast-off House of Israel who had scattered far and wide after the Assyrian capture and to whom the promise that they would be redeemed, meaning to be bought back, was made. Other ethnicities had no reason to be "bought back" as they had not been cast-off. As throughout the Word, God was speaking to his "peculiar treasure" Israel (both houses). Just as in the old covenant days, peoples of different ethnicities could, and did, join themselves to Israel. So it is true today.

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There’s a great future for ethnic Israel as a massive number when they become the true Israel, joining the church of Jesus Christ.

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Do Jews deny Christ as the Messiah? Who is the synagogue of Satan in the Word? Askenazim make up 90% of modern day Jews. They came from Khazaria about 850 A.D., became Jewish to avoid being crushed between the Byzantine Christian empire t the west and the Islamic empire to the east, and deny being familial connection to ancient Hebrews. Their heritage is Turko-Mongol. See 1980 World Jewish Almanac first article also World Jewish Encyclopedia and Arthur Koestler's book investigating his own heritage called the 13th Tribe. If you want to know what happened to the House of Israel, just look what peoples have carried the Word around the world and you will see the already vast numbers of their House.

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