By every conceivable metric, CCL keeps growing year after year, all to the Lord’s glory. I’ve been praying God keeps expanding CCL’s platform by a factor of 10 and that He alone gets the glory.
He’s been answering that prayer.
Our 2022 symposium in December was the best ever; every symposium tops the previous one. The November church leaders’ conference in Ixtlahuaca, Mexico on “The Growing Kingdom” was a memorable success, and the impact was greater than I’d even prayed for (Isaiah 64:4). These were just the final in a year’s worth of remarkably productive speaking events.
I’m traveling more than ever and, even with the unflagging assistance of my ever-accompanying wife-nurse Sharon, must recalibrate my traveling since it’s getting exhausting. We logged more miles in Covid-drama 2020–2022 than in any previous 10 years combined. Please pray with us about this. I must invest my time and energy prudently.
This past year we released the essay collection Failed Church: Restoring a Vision of Ecclesial Victory, as well as my Creational Marriage: Issues and Controversies. You can order both on Amazon. We’re behind on Professor John M. Frame’s collected sermons Widen Your Hearts since it’s a long book, but we plan to get it out in 2023. We intend to publish an essay collection The Free and Virtuous Society: A Christian Defense of Classical Liberalism. Our Senior Scholar of Public Theology Brian Mattson’s writing platform also continues to increase, and his new hardback The Magnificent Pig just appeared. Our senior fellows are influencing numerous areas of contemporary culture, too many to enumerate here.
In today’s sociopolitical climate, CCL is uniquely positioned to influence minds and hearts for a robust, liberty-propagating, culture-reclaiming, Christian society. Inexplicably, many conservative (including Christian conservative) organizations have succumbed to right-wing statist populism, whose lust for centralized political power rivals that of the Marxist Left.
As always, CCL stands against statism of all kinds. In supporting CCL you’re supporting unflagging opposition to the liberty-devouring Leviathan. Godly change comes by cultural power, not political power.
CCL is committed to prayer, and, in particular, to the expectation of answered prayer. Cultural reclamation is not merely an intellectual exercise. It is also a petitionary exercise: God answers prayers not just for personal needs, but also for cultural needs.
More than ever, we are the adversarial intelligentsia, manning the bulwarks of Christian worldview against all secular and neopagan (and falsely Christian) competitors.
We need your prayer, and we need your money to keep forging ahead. Will you send a donation today?
You can send a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo.
Or mail a check to:
Box 100
Coulterville, CA 95311.
Yours for Christian culture,
Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership