In recent years, every Thanksgiving celebration includes Leftist fulminations against the Founding of the United States, and, in particular, the early British settlers in what is now the United States. They are villainized for their colonization, displacing peaceful Native Americans with a rapacious, greedy, entrepreneurial, cruel Christian culture.
The charge is utterly false historically, but an important truth misses the attention of even many Christians: colonization (the right kind) is not a matter for apology. Indeed, all biblical Christians must support colonization. What is the Great Commission but a massive colonization imperative? To preach the gospel, baptize converts, and disciple nations is a colonization program if there ever was one.
When Leftists hear Christians talk about biblical colonization, they immediately suspect a dictatorial political takeover program. This is because their secular and neo-pagan religion is committed to a dictatorial political takeover program. They lust to capture politics in order to impose their coercive contra-Christian social vision: aborticide-on-demand, cultural homosexualization, teenage genital mutilation, politicized courts, secular indoctrination centers known as “public” education, all financed by an extortionate graduated tax structure.
But our God is not their God. Our gospel is not their gospel. Our colonization is not their colonization. And our politics is not their politics.
Biblical colonization politics includes the state’s enforcement of the narrow range of God’s law appropriate to that sphere. It is minimal indeed. Largely it reduces to keeping pre-and a-political individuals and institutions safe from coercive interference. That leaves self-governed individuals and families and churches and businesses and schools and technology and architecture and art and economics and many other spheres free to live and operate as they wish. The state suppresses them only if they violate God’s civil law. This in turn basically means the state’s role is limited to protecting life, liberty, and property.
Since the Fall, Satan has attempted to colonize God’s creational order. He has attempted to turn God’s world into his world. The Christian gospel is simultaneously a de-colonization and colonization project. By Holy Spirit-empowered evangelism and obedience, Christians gradually expel Satan and his hosts from their malevolent colonization of God’s world, and we work peacefully to reestablish Christ’s heavenly colony on earth, as much as possible before the eternal state. This is a chief long-term objective of the cross and the resurrection.
It is God’s colonization project, and we are the willing, eager colonizers.
I pray that each of you enjoys a blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
Yours with much gratitude,
Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership
The free society our U. S. Founders secured by God’s blessing with their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” is under withering assault today from the Left and Right. Some critics believe the Founding basis (including its indisputably Protestant distinctive) has outlived its usefulness. Others argue the nation was a botched experiment from the start. Still others simply hate and wish to destroy our common heritage, which ironically provides these ingrates the freedom to criticize it in the first place.
Globalist Marxisms have captured huge swaths of the U. S. Left and the Democratic Party. Usually this is Cultural Marxism, which sees the Founding as inherently oppressive: white supremacy, heteronormativity, self-centered individualism, enslaving patriarchy, greedy capitalism, Western imperialism, and the last residue of Christian culture are entrenched, retrograde oppressions that must be overthrown to pave the way for the revolutionary, just (egalitarian) society ruled by a bureaucratic Leftist elite. The goal, as in all other Culturally Marxist societies, is to harness the state to marginalize and emasculate the family, church, and business. This is how Globalist Marxism destroys the glorious and God-glorifying American Dream. This destruction is unfolding before our eyes.
Tribalist nationalisms, on the other side, have transformed generous sectors of the American Right into a European-style, blood-and-soul conservatism the U. S. Founders were intent to abandon. Their war on economic liberty, their identity-politics collectivism, their centralizing nanny statism, their institution-destroying nihilism, their lust for a Great Leader to enforce their will (all often sprinkled with racism) poison the American Right and the Republican Party. I denote specifically some National Conservatives, the Integralists, the New Right, “Christian” Nationalists, and the Bronze Age Mindset new masculinity (the “Lost Boys of Conservatism”) — all ideas not merely “post-liberal” but also post-Christian in practice.
Two factors unite both globalist Marxisms and tribalist nationalisms, despite fierce, unbridgeable disagreements: (1) a numbing, base ingratitude for the United States of America; and (2) an eagerness to employ the sledgehammer of the state to enforce their “common good” will on society.
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