Under your title of Orthodox Biblical Eschatology you quote Acts 1and make a wrong Greek grammatical problem like everyone else, it is not "the like manner" refeering to Jesus physical body at that time it is referencing the clouds going into the Heavens and then coming back in the clouds that you are not "seeing", Jesus is God, not man any longer, that is exactly what the word parousia would express. Your second Greek grammatical error is in Hebrews 9 where you say "a second time" and you say that " this is the closest the Bible comes to referring to the “Second Coming [or “Advent]”, unfortunately not! The Greek text reads like this: οὕτως ὁ Χριστός ἅπαξ προσενεχθεὶς εἰς τὸ πολλῶν ἀνενεγκεῖν ἁμαρτίας ἐκ δευτέρου χωρὶς ἁμαρτίας ὀφθήσεται τοῖς αὐτὸν ἀπεκδεχομένοις εἰς σωτηρίαν. So if you can read this, there is no "second time"; it is out from the second veil, Christ came as the previous verse in Hebrews 9:26 states, and I think a lot of people miss this, "...but now ONCE in the end of the ages..." Not coming 2 times, so you need to understand the text, in which you nor a lot of people are mis applying, it's simple, read the Greek. And if Sam Frost says he can, then well he is lying then. But we must be honest with the text, not Creeds, they are conflated at times and the people in the first few centuries had all sorts of heresys and their Platonic culture. And you keep saying that there is an "end", "End of what"??? That's everyones problem, there is no end of "All the Worlds history: give me one verse? And do not twist it nor take it out of context. Don't quote Isaiah 65 verse 17 without the first 16 verses like most of my Presbyterian friends did to me. It's almost embarrising how people mis use the Bible, But if you are looking for a physical Jesus then you are awaiting the wrong god, because John says, "We shall SEE Him as He is" and that is not physical, the apostles already beheld Him in His coming as a man, the High priest didn't expect to see Him in "the clouds" physically, so why should you? May God help all of us.

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Creedalism is adding to the word.

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This generation will not pass away. Some standing here. I come quickly. Jesus came in the clouds. You just refuse to believe Him.

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Except WTS/Talbot's star pupil said you can find new things in the Bible no one else ever has. https://youtu.be/1huTEVaosSo Kind of invalidates all this effort against "heresies".

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Thanks for your help and support. This has been grueling to watch.

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