Yet another example of the cancer of malinvestment. With the federal government's takeover of student loans, legitimate lenders were absolved of risk, so fiat currency was pumped into the system like sludge. University profits went up. You gotta spend that money somewhere. May as well hire more DEI staff than actual professors. Heck, why even have professors? It's more important that students glean the ideology than any actual knowledge.

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Right on, Steve. I think the equity mavens know this, and because they support statism, they know their view will create state-dependent people.

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Thank you so much for your encouraging words, and especially thank you for your faithfulness in our apostate times.

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This is an excellent exposition, well done Andrew, I thank God for souls like you who are clearly fed and driven by and through the sprit of truth. Woke ideology is manifesting itself within British societies at the speed of light I'm afraid, I can bear witness and testify to this terrible verity. Only this week the CofE General Synod HAS voted in favour of supporting the bishops proposals to affirm same-sex couples with church services containing blessings, thanksgiving and prayers. The GS motion proposals bemoaning and repentance for the Church's failure to welcome the LGBTQi community/ideology and the 'harm' that such people have experienced in the life of the Church.

This means that the spirit of the antichrist has not only permeated and stained every sinew of modern societal ethics here in the UK it has now got a foothold in the church and is beginning to bastardise Scriptures etc too.

Whilst we should remind ourselves that the holy bible has warned (foretold) us of the eventual rise of the antichrist (also the beast coming out of the sea onto holy lands) it is nonetheless shocking and perturbing to say the least.

Our local church is uniting to stand against this abomination and to stay true to SCRIPTURES regardless. We have found reassurance from scriptures, and harness peace within our hearts, from the facticity that says "those who stay by the book receive the protective shield of our Heavenly Father. Gratias Deo.

We are becoming a persecuted people who inevitably will be flogged on the public arena for our "archaic abdominal views which no place in a modern (woke-steered) society. Nevertheless we are standing firm and will not shy away to dark corners of apathy or passivity.

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Another difference between the two systems of equity and equality is that the system of law based equality breeds people who are self reliant, self controlled, and independent thinkers while the system of equity as is currently in vogue breeds people who are reliant on those who can rig the system to their benefit, have no self control, and are rewarded for group thinking.

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