Dear friends and supporters:
Because of all the preparation for our annual CCL symposium in the Bay Area tomorrow, I didn’t have time to complete an article this week. However, we just released our newest e-book, and I hope you can get a copy and recommend it to others if you enjoy it:
"Sadomasochism is a perverse sexual disorder, but spiritual sadism and masochism are perverse in their own way. Unfortunately, they are also pervasive. Spiritual sadism among professed Christians is deriving perverse delight in using the Bible or the Christian Faith to injure or pain others. Authority figures like parents, pastors, and priests sometimes abuse that authority in the name of biblical faith and get secret pleasure from inflicting this pain. Then, of course, they’re Christians of all kinds who pleasurably employ religious guilt manipulation: 'If you were a good Christian, you’d patiently put up with the way that I act.' Many marriages have been destroyed by this spiritual perversion.
"By far the greater problem today is spiritual masochism, one of the most poisonous and perverse myths entertained by otherwise sound Christians and churches that the greater their suffering, the greater their godliness. This perverse spiritual disorder has far more in common with ancient pagan, dualistic heresies than biblical Christianity.
These thirteen, short, hard-hitting, easy-to-grasp chapters outline such deviations that have sold modern Christianity into cultural bondage."
You can get the book here.
I’ll write you all next week.
Yours for the King,
Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership
Will you consider a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo? Or mail a check to CCL, Box 100, Coulterville, CA 95311. God uses you to keep us going — and expanding.
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Center for Cultural Leadership
P.O Box 100
Coulterville, CA 95311