Dear friends and supporters,
This week Sharon and I have been on the road, headed home after a month of a Texas conference tour. A deep thanks for all who have prayed. The Kingdom conferences in Texas (Corpus Christi and McAllen) were exceptionally blessed by God.
I haven’t had time to prepare a new article this week, so I’m offering here the links to much of the recent new content. Please forward it if it you think it will benefit others.
The Al Davis School of Eschatology: “Just Win, Baby”
I espouse the Al Davis School of Eschatology — “Just Win, Baby.” Jesus is the present ruling king, and despite all the machinations of hell, he’s beating down evil and will eventually destroy it. Therefore, live in joy and hope and optimism.
My message is preceded by a great talk by colleague Dr. Brian Mattson: “The Feeling of Absolute Independence.”
Listen here.
Watch here:
Christian Youth Should Be the Best Christians
One of the most pernicious myths of the church is that children must grow up before they can be zealots for Jesus Christ. The most productive Christians in history were following the Lord before they can remember.
Listen here.
God Plays Favorites
God plays favorites. He pours out his favor on those who love, trust, and obey him. Zealous Christians are better than everybody else.
Watch here.
What The First Evangelical Church Gnostic Looks Like
The ancient Gnostic heresy has infected the evangelical church, not just liberal churches. Here’s how you can tell.
Watch here.
Kingdom Culture and Political Culture
Christianity inherently creates Christian culture. To speak of the growth of Christianity without the consequent growth of Christian culture is to speak poppycock.
This culture, like all culture, shapes politics. Want sustained political change? Change the culture.
Includes extensive Q & A.
Watch here.
Will you consider a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo? Or mail a check to CCL, Box 100, Coulterville, CA 95311. God uses you to keep us going — and expanding.
In the next two weeks I hope to write on “Playing Footsie With the Devil” and “Conservatives and Liberals Against Leftists.”
In April, Sharon and I plan to travel to central Minnesota where I’ll address the Common Slaves Conference led by the bold, godly pastor Eric Anderson. Dates and topics announced soon.
I’m scheduled for a number of other 2022 conferences, and I’ll mention them soon.
Proofing for Failed Church: Restoring a Vision of Ecclesial Victory has begun. Contributors include David Bahnsen, Joe Boot, Uriesou Brito, Ardel Caneday, Gary DeMar, Doug Enick, John Frame, George Grant, Brian Mattson, P. Andrew Sandlin, Levi Secord, Jeffery J. Ventrella, and Roger Wagner.
Please donate to CCL today if you can.
Yours for the King and his victorious Kingdom,
Center for Cultural Leadership
Photos from our conference tour:
Aside from my father, I’ve been immensely benefited from and close friends of only three or four other warhorses in the Faith.
One of them is Jack Carter, Pastor Emeritus of City Church-Corpus Christi, Texas, mighty man of God, full of the Spirit, immersed in the Word, deeply read in theology and history, abounding in truth and kindness and zeal.
88 years young, he is still preaching the Word.
At Church of the King-McAllen, Texas
In McAllen, Gary DeMar is making the point that confusing old covenant Israel’s eschatology with the new covenant multinational church’s eschatology leads to great interpretive error.
Two of the dearest and most faithful Christian leaders I know, Pastor Ron Smith and his wife Linda, Church of the King-McAllen, Texas. They started scores of churches in Mexico and have seen many hundreds of conversions.
With my dear friend and fellow trustee David Souther at the famous White Buffalo Lounge in Marathon, Texas. (Santa Claus photobombing.)
More great stuff:
The Center for Cultural Leadership site is here.
My Amazon author page (print and digital) is here.
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The CCL phone number is 831-420-7230.
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Center for Cultural Leadership
P. O. Box 100
Coulterville, CA 95311