Many libertarians will respond to any mention of Reason Magazine with an eyeroll. One common nickname for them is (T)Reason. Abortion is an issue that sees wide disagreement amongst libertarians, with a growing Pro-Life movement present. Two years ago pro-life libertarians and their allies were finally successful in removing the pro-choice plank from the platform of the national Libertarian Party. https://libertyprolife.org/PLLC/about/. I do agree full-heartedly with the criticisms of libertarians who do not support penalizing abortion the same way murder is, granted I also understand their reluctance to give greater power to the state.

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This article should be titled "An Assault on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness by a Few People Who Call Themselves Libertarians". It's simply not accurate to say that all libertarians have a pro-abortion ideology, and it would not be hard to find libertarians who are very vocal about their pro-life beliefs. David Boaz (though influential) and Michele Goodwin are not even remotely entirely representative of American libertarianism as a whole.

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