I shared this article with a friend, who asked if there has been a nation that has come back from the depravity we’ve reached here. Thoughts?

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Good question. Israel did several times. Nineveh did. England did in the Victorian era.

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Thx! I’ll pass it on and pray for repentance across the land.

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Dr. Harold O.J. Brown in his book The Sensate Culture uses England and the First Great Awakening as a case of a nation that recovered from its slide into social ruin through moral decay.

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Thanks for this, I appreciate your comments in here.

I also appreciate your concerns about elements of the Christian Nationalist movement.

But how is this not a form of Christian Nationalism?

I understand that some people are treating the term CN as a catch-all phrase.

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It is very different. It is basically Christian culture. https://pandrewsandlin.substack.com/p/christian-culture-versus-christian

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"Rather, it is to restore the religious establishment of early America – the establishment of the Faith in human lives and hearts and institutions, like the family, the church, business, education, music, technology, economics, and every other area of life."

Can you further elaborate on how to achieve this or is there an article or podcast where you have done so?

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