I agree for the most part. It is true that the moderates basically decide the outcome of elections and that the polarization of political parties have clouded the judgement of many. I do find it troubling that members of the Squad sailed through re-election without any rebuke of what their agenda is doing to our economy. Those voters are selfishly doing a disservice to the read of Americans. This is my view anyway.

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Some knew and stated up front about what was and did happen in 2015,16-22. Even today 1/16/2022. We are absolutely sure there were forces working against all 'conservatives'. There has and will continue to be all arms of government and online and offline media working for the same ends and means. What 'conservatives' and bible believing Christians don't get are; 1. you have to believe you're supposed to have a say in government. 2. If you do, you have to actually work for that end with others who fall closest to you're beliefs. 3. Not all Christians think exactly alike. 4. This means my world of a very small federal government with states in larger, but not large role isn't possible when they put their heads in the sand and say others are NOT working every angle against you. So, whether you like Trump, Cruz, Rand Paul or Daffy Duck as President, you're do not have your eyes wide open. If you've listened to the news today - you heard another day of apologetics for their Marxist Team. Including the squad.

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