Failed Church: Restoring a Vision of Ecclesial Victory
Church 2022 looks significantly different from its 2015 iteration, though even then signs of impending infection were not absent.
Dear friends and supporters:
This morning Sharon and I are flying off to the Worldview Youth Academy in Ontario, Canada, where I’ll be lecturing four times next week. Then we’re headed to western Pennsylvania for her Mother’s memorial service. Then home for most of August. It’s been one whirlwind tour since early May.
At long last, Failed Church is available. Order softcover and digital copies here. (Contact me for quantity pricing.)
Please promote the book to church leaders and family and friends.
What is the book about?
Covid lockdowns, the George Floyd killing and subsequent riots, Black Lives Matter, cancel culture, Critical Race Theory, the #MeToo Movement, the pervasiveness of gender dysphoria — these and other recent spectacles have exploded onto the social scene. They have been such an unremitting part of our social environment over the past 2 to 5 years that they have insinuated themselves into our social currency, and it is difficult to objectively assess the state of recent culture while ignoring them.
The church has not eluded their impact. In some cases — the lockdown orders for all “nonessential” services comes to mind first — they have drastically shaped the very life of the church. Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and the #MeToo Movement have almost equally stamped themselves on a wide swath of Western Christianity, including conservative Christianity.
Church 2022 looks significantly different from its 2015 iteration, though even then signs of impending infection were not absent.
This essay collection aims to assess the present state of the church from numerous perspectives. The writers (theologians, pastors, educators, scholars, thoughtful laymen) reflect a degree of theological diversity one might expect. All of them, however, are committed to biblical authority and historic Christian orthodoxy, including, specifically, historic Protestantism.
More next week. Please donate to CCL if you can.
Yours for a victorious church,
Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership
Will you consider a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo? Or mail a check to CCL, Box 100, Coulterville, CA 95311. God uses you to keep us going — and expanding.
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Center for Cultural Leadership
P. O. Box 100
Coulterville, CA 95311
What a great collection - I love seeing all these authors in one place, and would love to have the book to pass along. Then others could see it isn't just me carping about church failures. Is there another way to obtain a copy of Failed Church? I don't support Amazon.