LGBTQ++: The Third Rail
Our work as biblical Christians is to de-privilege, de-normalize, and decimate the LGBTQ++ agenda.
Dear friends and supporters,
We just finished a thoroughly successful, God-glorifying 11 days in Golden, British Columbia at the H. Evan Runner International Academy (listen to one of the talks below), and tomorrow I’ll be addressing the Mission of God West Conference in Edmonton, Alberta on the topic of “Utopian Economics.” Both are sponsored by CCL’s friends at the Ezra Institute (Joe Boot, Founder & President).
Third Rail
June has been designated “Pride month,” and it’s appropriate to consider the consequences the Pride agenda has unleashed on our country.
The “third rail” in politics is a metaphor describing an issue so controversially supercharged that it must be avoided at all costs. The non-metaphorical third rail refers to the electrified rail on a train line set between and parallel to the two tracks over which the train rolls and which provides its power. If you grab that rail, you won’t soon forget. Or perhaps, you might forget everything because you’ll be dead.
Third rail political issues are so “electric” that no politician of any persuasion dare address them.
In our sociopolitical climate, that issue is the LGBTQ++ agenda and lifestyle. It has become so normalized in American life that to combat it is to invite nearly universal assault or, at best, abrupt dismissal. This normalization has largely been the success of an intentional effort on the part of the most activist wing of the LGBTQ++ community. The key to their success has been to link homosexuality and other sexual perversions to human identity — one is a homosexual as one is white or black or Hispanic or Asian or male or female or left-handed or redheaded. Therefore, to attack homosexuality (for example) is to attack humans as they naturally are. The more recent move to identify “gender” as a human invention and not rooted in nature would seem to conflict with this viewpoint, but since “reinventing” oneself has now also become a part of human identity, the conflict is not seen to be actual, only apparent.
The Conservative Collapse
Traditional sexual ethics, which really amounted to creational sexual ethics, was long a mainstay a political conservatism: “We are proudly pro-family, pro-life, anti-porn, anti-gay.” But large swaths of the modern conservative movement have made their peace with the LGBTQ++ agenda. The Republican Party has laid down its weapons in the battle for creational sexual ethics. Fox News, thought to be the mainstay of conservative cable TV, rarely if ever includes a word of criticism of that agenda and lifestyle. So this shouldn’t surprise us:
You can now count Fox News among the major corporations happily gulping the Gay Pride Kool-Aid this month. In the final minutes of America’s Newsroom the morning of June 10, Fox News featured a total fluff piece introduced with a red, white and blue “America Together LGBTQ+ Pride Month” graphic about a highly telegenic but activist Southern California family of four celebrating one of their daughters who believes she is a boy.
Few conservatives apart from specific pro-family organizations like Focus on the Family batted an eye.
The cultural change has been as swift as it was relentless. Bill Clinton was for the Defense of Marriage Act before he was against it. Barak Obama changed his mind on same-sex “marriage” while in office under the suasion of his teenage girls. Donald Trump was the first U.S. president to take office supporting SSM.
If you think Pride Power lacks punch, you’re tragically deceived.
(cont. below)
Covid lockdowns, the George Floyd killing and subsequent riots, Black Lives Matter, cancel culture, Critical Race Theory, the #MeToo Movement, the pervasiveness of gender dysphoria — these and other recent spectacles have exploded on the social scene. They have been such an unremitting part of our social environment over the past 2 to 5 years that they have insinuated themselves into our social currency, and it is difficult to objectively assess the state of recent culture while ignoring them.
The church has not eluded their impact. In some cases — the lockdown orders for all “nonessential” services comes to mind first — they have drastically shaped the very life of the church. Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and the #MeToo Movement have almost equally stamped themselves on a wide swath of Western Christianity, including conservative Christianity.
Church 2022 looks significantly different from its 2015 iteration, though even then signs of impending infection were not absent.
This present essay collection aims to assess the present state of the church from numerous perspectives. The writers (theologians, pastors, educators, scholars, thoughtful laymen) reflect a degree of theological diversity one might expect. All of them, however, are committed to biblical authority and historic Christian orthodoxy, including, specifically, historic Protestantism.
LGBTQ++ Routinization
Like the nearly universally recognized evils of slavery, racism, and patriarchy, the normalization of LGBTQ++ has become a settled issue. It’s moved beyond the controversy phase to the routinization phase.
This is a position that biblical-creational Christians could never assent to under any condition. It’s a socio-political battle we must fight on every front. The battle is not against individual homosexuals, created in God’s image and to be treated with the greatest dignity befitting that image. Rather, our battle is with the sociocultural agenda that inherently subverts the family and, therefore, the entire creational order.
LGBTQ++ isn’t just a defining issue of our time. It is a defining issue of 𝑎𝑙𝑙 time because it attempts to overturn the entire cosmic order. It’s akin to an attempt to overturn gravity. And no less dangerous.
The LGBTQ++ Epic Fail
The LGBTQ++ agenda, while dramatically on the march, will fail. It will fail for the same reason all other contra-creational moves and movements will fail. We live in a God-rigged universe. God is the house, and the house always wins. Reality bites back.
One day humans will look back with disbelief at how anyone could justify same-sex “marriage,” as we today look back with disbelief at how anyone could justify human ownership of other humans.
Our work as biblical Christians is to de-privilege, de-normalize, and decimate the LGBTQ++ agenda by the gospel of Jesus Christ under the power of the Holy Spirit.
Yours for the King,
Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership
Will you consider a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo? Or mail a check to CCL, Box 100, Coulterville, CA 95311. God uses you to keep us going — and expanding.
Prayer, Covenant, and the Nations
The ascended Lord is presently ruler of the nations, trampling down his enemies by Spirit, gospel and law, and our prayer, evangelism, and life should aggressively reflect this cosmic reign of our Lord.
Listen here.
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