I'm not sure what you meant by saying God's preventative grace is greater than His restorative grace. To my mind it sounds as if those of us who have battled with pornography are somehow second rate. I am assuming that's not what you meant. God's grace in my battle with that temptation has been anything but lesser. He gave me a wife who has been patient and forgiving. He kept me from losing my job when that could have very well happened. He has given me victory after victory against this temptation. I have times where I grieve over the effects known and unknown over the years because of my actions. I can only be at peace when God reminds me of His forgiveness and how He uses even my sin for not only my good but to the good of those I affected. I think instead of thinking about God's grace as greater or lesser, it is best to think about it according to Scripture, it is sufficient. I wish that I had your experience because dealing with this has been at times a hell on earth. I am glad for you and your grandson, but I would caution him to take heed lest he fall.

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Thank you for the post. I am presently preparing and will be doing a post on Friday on the subject of pornography.

Paul wrote, β€œIt is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” When we believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, over time our life is meant to be transformed, so that we can be like Christ. However, the sad reality is that pornography has a vice-like grip on us.

59% of pastors said that married men seek their help for porn use.

57% of pastors say porn addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregation.

69% say porn has adversely impacted the church.

May I suggest these figures are on the low side, as members are too ashamed to come forward for help and pastors don’t want to say that their church is being impacted.

However, the Good News of Jesus Christ, the gospel message for us today, is that we can find freedom from the bondage of pornography.

I will be repeating this announcement on Wednesday.

I hope you will find the post worthwhile. God bless you and have a great day. Robert

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Good for you! You were a better man than I was at 17!

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Not "better", just more sanctified. We all have sin indwelling us and our job is to master it as God told Cain...

If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.

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