Dear friends and supporters:
With the Left’s lamentation and fury over the leaked Alito opinion, you’d think a SCOTUS decision overturning Wade, likely but uncertain, would be criminalizing abortion.
It wouldn’t criminalize a single one. Abortion rights would likely expand in deep blue states, disappear in deep red states, and in most states stand somewhere in between.
Overturning Roe isn’t a solution. But it’s a step in the right direction.
Bill Clinton, the consummate “New, [i.e. moderate] Democrat,” coined the 1992 phrase that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” This sentiment, though dead wrong, had the advantage of appealing to abortion rights advocates as well as moderate pro-lifers who wanted a reason to vote for an apparently non-radical Southern Democrat who claimed to be an evangelical.
But the Leftist responses to the document leak overwhelmingly demonstrate a radical, fanatical commitment to the preservation of the right to abortion — and let’s be honest and say what it is: the right to kill an unborn baby. This is not, to put it mildly, in harmony with the spirit that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” Rather, it shouts that abortion should be safe, legal, and everywhere available until childbirth, and perhaps afterward. Check out the quivering anger from Elizabeth Warren:
How to account for this characteristically frenetic response on the Left? We get a clue by considering Mary Eberstadt’s comment that abortion is contraception’s backup plan. Widespread contraception was the first major sociolegal move to separate sex from fertility. In time, almost all contraception became recreational contraception to serve the 60s Playboy culture.
The Sexual Revolution geared up during the late 60s, and it soon demanded enjoyable, unattached, consequence-free sex as a virtual human right. Roe came in 1973. In the 70s and 80s the Revolution expanded to include homosexuality, and in the 2000s the push for gay “marriage” became a legal reality with Obergefell. America had become “The Erotic Regime.”
Widespread legal abortion was necessary to the Revolution. Roe was always about sex, not safety, not sanitary conditions, and not a “woman’s right to choose.” Legal abortion was simply a logical step in the relentless march of Sexual Revolution.
The Real Hostility to Christianity
We grasp this better when we understand that the chief hostility to Christianity in the West is hatred for our sexual ethic. It’s not hatred for the gospel per se, nor Jesus Christ, but hatred for sexual ethics, including marriage. The guiding premise of the modern world is radical individual autonomy, principally sexual autonomy. Christianity stands in the way.
In God’s cosmic order, marriage and sex are inextricably intertwined. In fact, there’s no legitimate sex outside marriage. As a creational norm, sex is exceedingly powerful. While it’s not the only factor drawing a man and a woman together, it’s one of the major factors, and it’s useless to dismiss this factor under the influence of an otherworldly pietism. Sex is good. Sex is powerful. Sex is rooted in the cosmic order.
Because sex is so powerful, when it’s perverted by sin, that sin is exceedingly powerful. It seizes the heart and mind and body, and refuses to release its iron grip. Nothing short of regeneration by the Holy Spirit will cleanse from the guilt and bondage of sexual sin.
This is why the Left is committed to the erotic regime and will stop at nothing to defend their precious, powerful sin. The slaughter of millions of unborn children is a price not too high to pay. Feverishly lying about and destroying the reputation of a pro-life Supreme Court nominee (Brett Kavanaugh) is thoroughly warranted. Subverting the political norms of the nation’s highest court is obviously on the table.
It’s possible no sin more graphically reflects a depraved culture than its depraved sexuality. This, in fact, is what Paul is getting at in Romans 1. This is what’s on full display in the Left’s fury and furor at the leaked Alito opinion.
The tentacles of the Sexual Revolution are so deep that they are nothing short of demonic. Leftists (distinct from liberals) lust to kill … because they lust to lust.
(cont. below)
Our broad thinking about life doesn’t just shape our view of human sexuality. Our view of human sexuality shapes the rest of our thinking. Western society’s sexual views and practices over the last few decades haven’t changed so dramatically only because the prominent worldview of our society has changed; our society has changed because its sexual worldview has changed.
This book is about why and how that change came about, how injurious it has been to our culture, and what Christians can do to reverse it. A distinctively Christian strategy for reversing the sexual revolution and its worldview is a restoration of a full-orbed, biblical faith in every aspect of thought and life.
Get the book here.
The legal battles against abortion have been underway for almost 50 years. The legislative battles will begin only when Roe is overturned. Expect the fury and wrath of the Left when (if) that happens. The Sexual Counterrevolution must be poised to contend with demonic forces of murderous intent bent on restoring legalized sexual autonomy at all costs. And by all, I mean all.
God’s redemptive grace alone can halt the Revolution in its tracks.
Will you consider a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo? Or mail a check to CCL, Box 100, Coulterville, CA 95311. God uses you to keep us going — and expanding.
The Reverse Is True
The final edits of Failed Church: Restoring a Vision of Ecclesial Victory should be complete by June 1 and this wide-ranging book addressing churchly failure on Covid lockdowns, social justice, kingdom commission, cancel culture, BLM and much else should be ready to ship in June.
The release of my book Creational Marriage: Issues and Controversies is set to coincide with my and Sharon’s 40th wedding anniversary in August. This fall we hope to release Professor John M. Frame’s collected sermons Widen Your Hearts.
I’m presently putting the finishing touches on my talks for the upcoming Runner Academy (see below).
Please pray for Sharon. On Thursday she flies to Pennsylvania to help her godly parents during a difficult time — her mother has surgery Tuesday to remove a malignant tumor and the subsequent hospital stay and at-home recovery will be extensive. And a reminder that you can subscribe to my Dad’s e-letter here.
Your prayer and donations keep CCL forging ahead. Please keep them coming
Yours for the Sexual Counterrevolution,
Founder & President, Center for Cultural Leadership
Listen here.
You can read my brief note “Political Pulpits” here.
You can read Brian Mattson’s holy hot take on the Alito opinion leak here.
Join Me This Summer at the Runner Academy
I’m addressing the H. Evan Runner Academy for Cultural Leadership (Dr. Joseph Boot, director) in spectacular Golden, British Columbia, June 5th - 15th, 2022, CCL’s training program for young adults ages 18–39. I’ll also be meeting with students extensively, and CCL’s Brian Mattson will also be a speaker.
This is a premier training program for Christian worldview, uniquely blending reverent, Spirit-filled worship; vibrant community with others of like faith; and high-octane, theoretical and practical education for life. This is a transformational experience set in one of the most scenic locations in North America.
H. Evan Runner International Academy delegates are students and young professionals in fields such as politics, medicine, law, education, theology, philosophy, business, science and technology and the various arts. It is in these areas that the cultural struggle is most vividly brought to light.
Delegates will live, work, eat, pray, study and discuss the topics together throughout the program. Each day consists of morning prayer and worship, lectures, group discussion, communal meals, free time or leisure activities and space for quiet reading and reflection.
By providing training in a thoroughly biblical worldview, the H. Evan Runner International Academy will help to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders to formulate, articulate and credibly defend a truly scriptural view of life as the sole source of truth, freedom and beauty, shaping the future to the glory of God.
Here are the student accommodations:
Please be thinking of attending or whom you can encourage or underwrite to attend — your children, grandchildren, or friends. Enroll here.
Scholarships are available. Please contact me privately: sandlin[at]saber[dot]net.
More great stuff:
The Center for Cultural Leadership site is here.
My Amazon author page (print and digital) is here.
You can find my sermons and lectures at my YouTube channel.
Sign up to get my blog updates here.
Here’s my Twitter feed.
If you want to get the free exclusive hard copy publication Christian Culture, please send me a Facebook private message.
The CCL phone number is 831-420-7230.
The mailing address is:
Center for Cultural Leadership
P. O. Box 100
Coulterville, CA 95311
Yes. Christ is the Mediator of creation, for sure, not redemption. Thanks so much for your good comment.