The Great 2021 Texas Power Surge
The failure of the Texas power grid was far compensated by the success of the Holy Spirit’s power grid.
Dear friends and supporters,
Sharon and I arrived in Corpus Christi, Texas a day before one of the most catastrophic weather events in the state’s recorded history and left for home a day after it had receded. We were inconvenienced by the long-lived power outage and the unprecedented bone-chilling temperatures. Since I was without electricity to my C-pap device, I missed a night’s sleep, but this was all merely inconvenience in the grand scheme, and not nearly as burdensome as many Texans suffered.
After being driven to McAllen by my dear friend Bray Henson, I watched in the hotel lobby the CNN reporting of the unfolding debacle as they painted an ominously dark scenario (and there can be no doubt it was dark, and not only metaphorically).
But it occurred to me how different their angle would have been had the massive power and bureaucratic failures happened in a blue state. Straight objective reporting has been supplanted almost everywhere (and not only on the Left) by “advocacy journalism,” a profound and costly social corruption. While there are no uninterpreted facts, there are objective facts, and the goal of the press in a free society is to present them as accurately as possible. But a free society is precisely what’s under assault.
The good news is that despite (or, perhaps, because of) the weather-related power loss there was no spiritual power loss in the two great churches in which I was privileged to minister: City Church-Corpus Christi (Jeremy DeBord, pastor, and Jack Carter, pastor emeritus and theologian-in-residence), and Church of the King-McAllen (Dr. Ron Smith, pastor). I marveled at and was humbled by the mighty answers to prayer — the palpable impact of the Spirit’s power was evident everywhere. The failure of the Texas power grid was far compensated by the success of the Holy Spirit’s power grid.
Much thanks to the incomparable Jack and Kathy Carter clan (over 60 of them now) in Corpus, and to Pastor Ron and Linda Smith, such faithful friends in McAllen. It was a blessing to my heart to spend time with an old friend Gary DeMar, president of American Vision, and the other conference speaker in McAllen.
You can watch and listen to my sermons and lectures here:
The Greatness of God’s Love
There is no teaching of the word of God more important than God’s love — several as important as, but none more important than. The video of my sermon “The Greatness of God’s Love,” with God-glorifying music led by Steven Hansen, is here:
You can listen the audio version here.
Make Christianity Great Again
The extent to which Western civilization has been great is the extent to which it has been Christian. In abandoning Christianity, we are abandoning our greatness. Our only hope is a restoration of Christianity, not merely as an individual existential experience, but also, and more fully, as a great cultural force.
You can listen the audio version here.
The Biblical Gospel Versus the Marxist Gospel
The Marxist gospel is good news to lazy, irresponsible, envious rebels. It must be demolished by the biblical Gospel.
You can listen the audio version here.
The Greatness of Victorious Eschatology
The modern conservative church has been plagued by pessimistic, unbelieving, and anorexic eschatology. The biblical hope of a glorious future on the earth should animate all we do.
You can listen the audio version here.
The Greatness of Answered Prayer
The Bible does not so much hold up prayer as great, but answered prayer. The failure of church and Christianity in culture, and the failures of our lives, are largely due to our lack of bold, uncompromising, fervent prayer based on the promises of the Word of God.
There is no video, but you can listen the audio version here.
The Greatness of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is great for many, many reasons. Here are two of them: he is the mediator of creation and exercises his Lordship over all the cosmos.
Second, he loves righteousness and hates lawlessness.
This is the Lord that we serve, and his greatness in these matters and all others is incomparable.
You can listen the audio version here.
Will you consider a tax-deductible donation to CCL via PayPal or Venmo? Or mail a check to CCL, Box 100, Coulterville, CA 95311. God uses you to keep us going — and expanding.
Next week I plan on addressing “Losing Well Together With the Gospel Coalition.” Our leading conservative evangelical ministries are the most notoriously defeatist — and for that reason pose a grave cultural danger.
Next Sunday, March 7 at 11:00 a.m. Sharon and I will be at Church of the King-Sacramento, where I’ll be preaching for my long-time friend, Pastor John Stoos. I’ll be delivering the ministerial charge (“Take Heed”) for the new assistant pastor, Paul Liberati.
We hope to see many of you northern California friends there.
I hope in the next two weeks to release CCL’s newest e-book: Realized Religion: Victory Already, Before the “Not Yet.”
Thank you for your friendship and support. I marvel at God’s grace and goodness — and the staggering answered prayers.
Yours for the Mighty Prince,
Founder & President
Center for Cultural Leadership
Seven hard-hitting, easy-to-understand chapters pinpointing several of the striking failures of modern Christianity that have left the church ineffectual in our rapacious culture. Only by recovering Christianity as a robust, full-throated and -practiced religion can we hope to restore its cultural power and dominance that alone creates the virtuous, free society presently under withering assault.
Get the e-book here.
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Center for Cultural Leadership
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